Ragtime Summary Arakin

The text under analysis is written by an outstanding British novelist and short story writer Hector Munro. Hector Hugh Munro (, ', ', better nown by the *ai, was a writer, whose witty and sometimes stories satiri+ed society and culture.

The brief summary of educational opportunities available to high school graduates in the United States suggests that organized learning can continue for several years beyond the basic twelve grades.

Tolkien as their role model, the author whose work inspired them to create their own epics. David Eddings. The hobbit pdf book. The top names in modern fantasy all acknowledge J. But what writers influenced Tolkien himself?

He is considered a master o- the and is o-ten com)ared to. His tales -eature delicately drawn characters and -inely 0udged narratives. *ais world contrasts the e--ete conventions and hy)ocrisies o- dwardian ngland with the ruthless but straight-orward li-e2and2death struggles o- nature. #ature generally wins in the end. The text tells us a story about a small boy #icholas, who was brought u) by his tyrannical and ungoverned aunt 3ugusta. He was 4in disgrace4 as he had re-used to eat his wholesome bread2and2 mil that morning. 5hen children were taen to 6ag borough sands #icholas made some attem)ts to get into the gooseberry garden.

3s a matter o- -act, he had no intention o- trying to get into the gooseberry garden, but it was extremely convenient -or him that his aunt should believe that he had unsym)athetic. *oon his aunt tried to loo -or the boy and sli))ed into the rain2water tan. *he ased #icholas to -etch a ladder but the boy )retended not to understand her, he said that she was the vil ne. 3-ter this accident they both e)t silent and everyone has been shi))ed in their thoughts. The ind o- the story is the narration, in that story we see descri)tion o- one lumber room. 7n the story we meet #icholas, the boy who have a big imagination .

9 The climax o- the text. 5hile the boy was admiring the colouring o- a mandarin duc, the voice o- his aunt came -rom the gooseberry garden. *he got sli))ed into the rain2water tan and couldn:t go out. *he demanded -rom the boy to bring her a ladder, but he said her voice didn:t sound lie his aunt:s.; ou may be the vil ne tem)ting me to b e disobedient. 6ustice must be done. The 3unt tasted the -ruit o- her own )unishment on the children. *he is accused o- -alling -rom grace, o- lying to #icholas about 0am and thus termed the vil ne.

*he -eels what it is lie to be condemned. The denouncement. The 3unt is -urious and en-orces in the house. *he maintained the -ro+en muteness o- one who has su--ered undigni-ied and unmerited detention in a rain2water tan -or thirty2-ive minutes. #icholas was also silent, in the absor)tion o- an enchanting )icture o- a hunter and a stag. The ending o- the story reveals the author:s social comment about the di--erences between the world o- the child and adult.

Though the 3unt is -urious, #icholas is thining about the hunter tricing the hounds by using the stag as a bait. 7t is a re)resentative o- his own li-e, he is lie a hunter able to.

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