Latex Template For Conference Program Booklet
Using the conference agenda template is the best and easiest way to create an agenda for your even that is great looking and professional. Create great-looking conference marketing materials with StockLayouts ready-made graphic designs - get layouts for brochures, flyers, business cards & more. Download templates, edit & print! Conference Templates. Business Leadership Conference Flyer Template. Bridal Show Postcard Template. Builder's Trade Show Postcard Template.
This LaTeX template is provided by Overleaf (formerly writeLaTeX) and PeerJ to help make it easier for authors to submit to the PeerJ journals and pre-print server. The template contains examples of commonly used LaTeX commands and features to help you get started.
A Book of Abstracts MUST be produced for each workshop and sent as a PDF to by April 6, 2016 as LREC 2016 ABSTRACTS - TITLE OF THE WORSKHOP You should provide the pages you will find in the attached template, using the titles which are given there (in font Times New Roman, 18 pts) and inserting the appropriate content (in this case using font Times New Roman, 12 pts). After these preliminary pages, you should put the abstracts of all articles presented during your Workshop. IMPORTANT: • pages MUST NOT be numbered • the text that you will find in italics and between brackets is given as an example or is simply a comment/explanation. Nastavlenie po svyazi vs rf.
Please carefully check the material before sending it! The content of the abstracts will not be further checked on our side but simply included in the overall Workshops 'Book of Abstracts'. Workshop Proceedings MUST be produced for each workshop and sent as a PDF to by April 6, 2016 as LREC 2016 PROCEEDINGS - TITLE OF THE WORSKHOP You should provide the introductory pages you find in the attached template, using the titles which are given there (in font Times New Roman, 18 pts) and inserting the appropriate content (in this case using font Times New Roman, 12 pts). After these preliminary pages, you should put all the articles of your Workshop. IMPORTANT: • pages MUST be numbered in Roman numerals for the pages of the model and in Arabic numerals from the first paper onwards • the text that you will find in italics and between brackets is given as an example or is simply a comment/explanation. • articles should be conformant to the guidelines provided for final papers of the main conference, which you will find at with the only exception of the length which does not have to be compulsorily up to a maximum of 8 pages.
Please carefully check the material before sending, there will be no further checkings on our side! Important Dates • 25 October 2015: Submission of proposals for oral and poster papers • 25 October 2015: Submission of proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials • 27 November 2015: Notification of acceptance of worksohps and tutorials • 1st February 2016: Notification of accepted papers • 18th February 2016: Online Registration • 17th March 2016: Final Submission Deadline • 23-24 May 2016: Pre-conference Workshops & Tutorials • 25-26-27 May 2016: Main Conference • 28 May 2016: Workshops & Tutorials Links.