Advantages And Disadvantages Of Serial And Parallel Data Transmission
If the specs are the same, the advantage/disadvantage created by their communication method pretty much go like this: Serial: +Less Pins needed, meaning more GPIO available for other stuff. -Requires faster speed to transfert the same image, meaning slower refresh rate. Parallel: -More pins needed. +Faster refresh rate at same clock speed.
Data transmission is the transfer of data from point-to-point often represented as an electro-magnetic signal over a physical point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel. Examples of such channels are copper wires, optical fibers, wireless communication channels, and storage media.
T he term usually refers to digital communications (i.e. Digital bit stream), but may include analog data transmission as well. Data transmission is a subset of the field of data communications, which also includes computer networking or computer communication applications and networking protocols, for example routing and switching.
Parallel transmission is a method of transmitting data where each bit in a byte is transmitted in an individual channel or wire, hence multiple bits can be sent at the same time. Parallel transmission is often used internally in a computer since it is quick and the distances involved are short, a s well as in devices such as disk drives, joysticks and a majority of printers. Parallel transmission, however, has the disadvantage of bits getting out or order when transmitted over a long distance. This is known as data skew.
You go to a movie like this to be entertained for a bit, not for the intellectual stimulation, and both are valid forms of entertainment (unlike what other reviewers may imply). The movie jumper. As to the quality of acting, with all the action, there aren't the scenes available to showcase good acting.
You cannot formulate it this way. Serial transmission is slower than parallel transmission given the same signal frequency. With a parallel transmission you can transfer one word per cycle (e.g. 1 byte = 8 bits) but with a serial transmission only a fraction of it (e.g. The reason modern devices use serial transmission is the following: • You cannot increase the signal frequency for a parallel transmission without limit, because, by design, all signals from the transmitter need to arrive at the receiver at the same time. This cannot be guaranteed for high frequencies, as you cannot guarantee that the signal transit time is equal for all signal lines (think of different paths on the mainboard). The higher the frequency, the more tiny differences matter.
Hence the receiver has to wait until all signal lines are settled -- obviously, waiting lowers the transfer rate. • Another good point (from ) is that one needs to consider crosstalk with parallel signal lines. The higher the frequency, the more pronounced crosstalk gets and with it the higher the probability of a corrupted word and the need to retransmit it. 1 So, even if you transfer less data per cycle with a serial transmission, you can go to much higher frequencies which results in a higher net transfer rate.
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1 This also explains why (Parallel ATA with increased transfer speed) had twice as many wires as pins. Every second wire was grounded to reduce crosstalk.
@Val You're not reading the whole answer. A Bus moves more people than a car when they go the same speed - but because of the way physics works, these cars can go way faster than a bus, so it is faster to move people by using cars than buses.
The same goes for data links: at the same speed, parallel cables move more data than a serial cable; however, we can push a serial cable to operate much, much faster than we can a parallel cable. If we try to speed up the parallel cable, physics causes the data be become garbage.
– Jun 7 '13 at 19:47 •. In fact I see upside down. It is passenger (public) transport that has higher throughtput, because you do not transport the automobile with everybody, though people prefer moving individually, in parallel automobiles and therefore, develop extensive suburbs infrastructure instead of packing people into compact, 3d cities.
I see the burst of serial bits as a train. Roughly, sending a packet is expensive but it does not matter how much data you send per packet. It is therefore 1000 times cheaper to send a train of 1000 bits rather than 1000 parallel cars. – Jun 9 '13 at 10:37 •. The problem is synchronization. When you send in parallel you must measure all of the lines at the exact same moment, as you go faster the size of the window for that moment gets smaller and smaller, eventually it can get so small that some of the wires may still be stabilizing while others are finished before you ran out of time. By sending in serial you no longer need to worry about all of the lines stabilizing, just one line.
And it is more cost efficient to make one line stabilize 10 times faster than to add 10 lines at the same speed. Some things like PCI Express do the best of both worlds, they do a parallel set of serial connections (the 16x port on your motherboard has 16 serial connections). By doing that each line does not need to be in perfect sync with the other lines, just as long as the controller at the other end can reorder the 'packets' of data as they come in using the correct order. The does a very good explination in depth on how PCI Express in serial can be faster than PCI or PCI-X in parallel.